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Organization By-Laws








The name of this organization shall be the FLORIDA EDUCATION LEGISLATIVE LIAISONS. The organization is a non-profit professional organization for persons representing Florida public school districts in governmental relations activities and for representatives of state education associations and other persons whose responsibilities include government and legislative activities conducted on behalf of public school districts or public school employees.




Purpose of the Organization


The purpose of the organization shall be to serve as a statewide coordinating organization for the exchange of information and the continuing improvement of the quality and professionalism of persons who represent public school districts in the area of governmental relations and legislative liaison activities.




Code of Ethics


Membership in the organization shall carry a duty and a responsibility for each person to adhere to the standards of professional conduct as described herein.


Work cooperatively with each other by freely sharing information, knowledge, and expertise in appropriate areas of interest.


Participate actively in the organization and its activities and serve faithfully when chosen for elected or appointed positions.


Limit professional responsibilities as described in Article IV of these Bylaws to those activities which best serve the purposes of public schools.


Maintain the confidentiality of such information and material which is provided by the organization or its members.






Section 1. Membership


Membership shall be limited to representatives of public school districts who have been designated by their districts as having primary responsibility for governmental relations and legislative liaison activities; or whose district role requires legislative liaison activities as part of their duties.


Membership shall carry with it the right to participate fully in the procedures and programs of the organization as provided in these Bylaws, the right to vote, and the right to serve as an officer or director.


Section 2. Application for Membership


The board of directors shall have the authority to approve or disapprove all applications for membership.




Governing Body


Section 1. Board of Directors and Past-Presidents' Council


The officers and the directors shall comprise the board of directors which shall be the representative governing body of the organization. The board of directors shall have final authority on all matters as provided by these By-laws or as authorized by the membership. The past presidents may serve as non-voting members of the board of directors and shall comprise a Past-Presidents' Council. The primary lobbyist of the Florida School Boards Association and the Florida Association of District School Superintendents shall serve as non-voting members of the board of directors.


Section 2. Officers


Officers shall be the president, president-elect, and secretary/treasurer. The term of office for officers shall be one (1) year. A member may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, except the secretary/treasurer. The secretary/treasurer is elected annually but may be elected to serve unlimited consecutive terms. The term of office shall begin on July 1 of each year.


Section 3. Directors


In addition to the officers, there shall be five (5) directors to represent the organization. One (1) director shall be the immediate past-president. The remaining four (4) directors shall be elected. In nominating regular members for these director positions, every effort shall be made to nominate directors representing both large and small districts, urban and rural districts, and various geographical regions of the state. The term of office for directors shall be three (3) years with staggered terms.




Election of Officers and Board of Directors


Section 1. Nomination


The president shall appoint a nominating committee which shall propose a slate of candidates for consideration by the membership at the annual business meeting, which shall be held at the June Joint Conference of education associations. Nominations also may be made from the floor.


Section 2. Election


Election of the officers and board of directors shall be by secret ballot. The newly elected officers and board of directors shall take office on July 1.




Filling of Vacancies on the Board of Directors


Section 1. Vacancy in the Office of President


The president-elect shall become president and serve the remainder of the vacated term. He/She shall continue in the office of his/her normal term as president for an additional year as provided in these Bylaws.


Section 2. Concurrent Vacancies in Both the President and President-Elect


The board of directors shall fill by appointment the office of president. Such appointment shall extend until the end of the term at which time the membership shall elect a president and president-elect to take office.


Section 3. All Other Vacancies


All other vacancies on the board of directors shall be filled by appointment of the board of directors with the term of such appointment ending at the next annual June Joint Conference business meeting at which time the election procedure as provided in these Bylaws shall be used to fill such vacancies.




Duties of the Board of Directors


Section 1. President


  • Presides at all official meetings

  • Appoints all committees

  • Develops agenda for all official meetings

  • Provides leadership for the organization

  • Serves as the official signatory for all bank checks or other documents for the withdrawal of funds from the financial accounts of the organization.


Section 2. President-Elect


  • Presides at meetings and performs other presidential duties in the absence of the president

  • Serves as program chairman

  • Performs other duties as directed by the president


Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer


  • Records and distributes the minutes of official meetings to the membership, if requested

  • Prepares and distributes other communications

  • Performs other duties as directed by the president






Section 1. Annual Dues


The amount of annual dues for membership in the organization shall be as determined by the board of directors at the annual June Joint Conference business meeting.


Section 2. Other Fees


The board of directors may set other necessary fees to cover the expenses for organization-sponsored activities in which members participate.


Section 3. Disbursement of Funds


The secretary/treasurer will maintain a depository in a Tallahassee, Florida financial institution for the purpose of receiving and disbursing funds for the organization.


The secretary/treasurer will receive and disburse funds in accordance with proper accounting procedures as directed by the board of directors.


Disbursement of funds which require the approval of the board of directors shall be allowed only after approval of a majority of the board of directors.






In the event of the dissolution of the organization, all assets of the organization shall be turned over to a nonprofit educational organization to be designated by the final board of directors.





Upon notice of thirty (30) days, these Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership present at a called business meeting or by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those who cast a vote by electronic ballot.




Rules of Procedures


Business meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the revised Roberts Rules of Order.





The organization shall be non-partisan and non-profit.



Amended 8/7/02 Approved by vote of members at the business meeting on 8/27/02


Florida Education Legislative Liaisons

208 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, Florida  32301

T: 850.577-5784

F: 850-577-5781

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